Semester 1 was an interesting semester for sure. I was gone a lot more than I planned on being gone and that really put me back on a lot of the projects as opposed to the focusing problems I've had in the past.
The first real project was the MCML branding project. With the random animal, numbers, letters, and element I was given I created a fictional baseball team called the Mercury City Mountain Lions (as seen in the first and last picture). I was in Seattle for the back end of the project so I didn't get the actual website finished but the stats, logos, uniforms, and banner images are all completed. I plan to finish it one day. Fingers crossed. For the uniforms I created a white home uni, an away grey, and three alternates; one red, one black, and one blue (as seen above). I liked this project because it really gave me the freedom to pull baseball into this.
I also got a divorce.